On Mon, May 01, 2006 at 02:37:20AM +0530, Farhan Ahmed wrote:
> How bout using msmtp? It's lightweight and is well documented (?).. To
> use it change the value of sendmail in your .muttrc to this:
I'm reading the manual right now, and will probably try it tonight.

> Farhan Ahmed
> P.S: Give muttng a try.. It has lots of features like nntp, smtp,
> sidebar support and plenty..

I tried using muttng on and off since it came out. Had some nice
features that aren't in mainline, but too unstable for me, and just
about totally unsupported right now.

It is not unusual for those at the wrong end of the club to have a
clearer picture of reality than those who wield it.
                                                      Noam Chomsky

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