Daniel da Veiga wrote:

> On 5/2/06, Teresa and Dale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> OK, here's my deal.  My girlfriend wants to use windoze, yes it has
>> already died from a bug and it took a while to get it all back to
>> working, again.  This is what I want to do to make it easy when this
>> happens again, this is windoze so it will happen, likely sooner rather
>> than later too.
>> I want to be able to back her drive up to a CD, the whole thing even if
>> it takes a few CDs.  When it dies again, I want to be able to put in the
>> first CD and it boot and reinstall everything from there with little
>> interaction from me.
>> Is there such a creature?  Please tell me it is free.  I'm used to Linux
>> remember.
>> I can't believe I let her spend almost $200.00 on that crappie OS.  <
>> hangs head in shame >  She a great person in all other respects though.
>> I just have to keep working on this area.
>> Thanks
>> Dale
>> :-)
> There is g4l (Ghost For Linux), it is still under work I believe, but
> it is a great tool, if you never used Ghost (from Symantec) then
> you're not familiar with Windows (lol).  It can backup your
> disk/partitions and create image files that can be restored later. It
> has good compression and I have an image for each Windows Machine here
> at work. A whole install with Office and everything goes about 3 CDs.
> http://freshmeat.net/projects/g4l/
> -- 
> Daniel da Veiga
> Computer Operator - RS - Brazil
> Version: 3.1
> GCM/IT/P/O d-? s:- a? C++$ UBLA++ P+ L++ E--- W+++$ N o+ K- w O M- V-
> PS PE Y PGP- t+ 5 X+++ R+* tv b+ DI+++ D+ G+ e h+ r+ y++
> ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------

I have heard of Ghost before.  I saw it on The Screen Savers show a few
times.  You are right, I hate windoze.  I can install it and set up some
stuff but I like to run after that.  I would rather go to a dentist than
mess with windoze.  I make a exception for my brother and my Sweetie. 

May have to check on that.


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