
I believe that the kernels have been able to write to NTFS safely for 
some time, now.

In fact, as I recall from the last time that I built that 
functionality into my own kernel, menuconfig said that there were 
never any reported problems with the same code that has been in place 
since 2.4. Since there were no reported problems, the code was 
assumed stable.

In short: it's always been able to write safely.

"I am not a linux kernel hacker guru"

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.


On Tuesday 02 May 2006 17:01, Teresa and Dale wrote:
> Mick wrote:
> >First defragment her OS partition a couple of times (and reboot in
> > between for good measure ;-).  Then you can use a Knoppix or
> > other Linux LiveCD on her machine, run partimage and save an
> > image of her OS partition on one of your boxen over the LAN.  If
> > you don't want to take up too much of your valuable disk space
> > you can of course compress the image.  If you rather save it on
> > CD's/DVD's partimage can split the image down to smaller file
> > sizes.
> >
> >You can of course also save it on a new partition on her box.
> >
> >http://www.partimage.org/Main_Page
> >
> >Another tool which you can use from within Windoze is Bart's PE
> > and DriveImage XML (a plugin you can build into Bart's PE
> > LiveCD).
> >
> >http://www.nu2.nu/pebuilder/
> >
> >http://www.runtime.org/dixml.htm
> >
> >They're both free and should do the job you want.  Personally,  I
> > use Knoppix and partimage, but there are other linux tools (down
> > to the relatively basic dd command) which should do the trick on
> > a VFAT partition.
> Crap, I forgot and used NTFS on the thing.  < sighs >  I wonder if
> the newer kernel will write safely yet????
> Dale
> :-)
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