On Saturday 06 May 2006 04:19, Mick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
about 'Re: [gentoo-user] Error compiling portage after an Tcupdate':
> On 06/05/06, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > What's a tcupdate?
> It's a toolchain update script to rebuild your toolchain twice over
> (i.e. rebuild your toolchain with the new toolchain)

Okay, that makes me even more certain that my diagnosis is correct.  Also, 
the OP will probably want another tcupdate run after they correct their 
gcc profile issue.  (If the second run also breaks things, I'd be ready to 
blame the script itself.)

"If there's one thing we've established over the years,
it's that the vast majority of our users don't have the slightest
clue what's best for them in terms of package stability."
-- Gentoo Developer Ciaran McCreesh

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