On Sunday 07 May 2006 01:03, Bo Andresen wrote:
> On Friday 05 May 2006 17:30, Pawel K wrote:
> > Hello
> > How to force open office to type national (Polish)
> > fonts. I can see them on the screen when opening the
> > document containing them but when I press the
> > combination "right alt-<char>" it doesn't work. I've
> > installed open office as english(USA) version and
> > itshould stay like that. I want to be able to type
> > Polish characters only.
> What is the output of
> # locale
> and
> # locale -a
> Not all locales will support those characters. You can read more on locales
> at http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/guide-localization.xml .

isnt it enought to set keyboard layout in xorg.conf? Using KDE there is option 
to enable aditional layouts.

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