> On Tuesday 09 May 2006 02:41 pm, Alexander Skwar wrote:
>> Samuel Baldwin wrote:
>> > Alexander Skwar wrote:

>> > It provides a nice
>> > change of pace, so that way, when you're running a terminal in X, it
>> > doesn't look exactly like the regular shell.
>> Well - a terminal is something to work with. And this has to
>> be functional and not "provide a change of pace".
> Totally.  That's why I push YaKuake.

Do you happen to know if there's something like those "Quake shells"
for Gnome as well? It really sounds interesting!

>> My text color is black, as my background is white, which is, BTW,
>> the best to read for the majority of people (if you're not handicapped,
>> that is). That's so, because the contrast between the text and the
>> background cannot be higher than with black on white (or white on
>> black).
> You're using a CRT and a desktop, no doubt. 

You're wrong. I was writing that when I was at home, where I've
got a notebook and a LCD. I've got no CRT at home anymore.

But actually, I don't use bright white (eg. rgb(255,255,255)),
but something that's a bit less bright.

At work, at a CRT, I use bright white though.

>  I don't think there's any setting that 
> is best,

Well, yes, you're right. There are settings which are certainly very
bad, but a "best for all" - hm, you're right, such a setting might
not exist, even for "normal" non-handicapped people.

Alexander Skwar
It was the most I ever threw up, and it changed my life forever.

                -- Homer Simpson
                   Homer Goes To College
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