On 5/13/06, Matthias Bethke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have a QT program that's supposed to run on a server. I never liked
the idea of putting all this QT runtime crap on the server just for this
single program, so when it still ran SuSE, I just compiled it statically
and all was fine. Now under Gentoo, the program complains it couldn't
open the display (yes, I'm using ssh -X and other X programs are fine).
So I thought maybe it's the switch from XF86 to X.org, can't hurt to
recompile with the latest libraries. But there are no static libraries
(libqt.a and such) installed and I don't know how to get portage to
install them.

Well the building of static libraries is on a per package basis, so I
guess your fastest option here is to copy the qt ebuild to your
overlay directory and modify it to make a static library.  You could
also file a bug report on bugzilla requesting the change for qt, if
there isn't already an existing report for this.

However, my guess is that you are on the wrong track.  It really
sounds like the DISPLAY environment variable is not set correctly, or
possibly the program is modifying it's own environment for some
reason....maybe an strace of the program would reveal more.


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