Colleen Beamer wrote:
> Hi,
> I really have very little problem with my Gentoo system, but today on an
> upgrade I received the following message related to perl-cleaner:
> !!! Digest verification Failed:
> !!! /usr/portage/distfiles/perl-cleaner-1.03.tar.gz
> !!! Readon: Filesize does not match recorded size
> I'm sorry to bother you with this.  I tried searching the forums, but
> when I entered a search term, I got either no pages or thousands of
> pages.  I looked on  the bug list and the closest thing was a message
> related to a check-sum.  I tried looking at the documentation, but
> didn't find anything that told me what to do to correct this.  I even
> did a "no-no" and resync'd.
> Any help here would be appreciated.  I would file a bug, but I'm not
> sure exactly if this is a bug or something that is correctable and I
> just don't know how to do it.
> Regards,
> Colleen
There was such a thread on this ML.
IIRC just remove/erase the source file from distfiles dir and fetch it
again. Then emerge ...

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