
On Mon, 29 May 2006 11:19:30 +0200 Bo Ørsted Andresen

> Monday 29 May 2006 11:08 skrev Norman Rieß:
> > With Cygwin (http://www.cygwin.com/), you can install a X11-Server
> > on you Windowsmachine. Then switch on the X11 forwarding of your
> > ssh client.
> Be aware that you don't actually need to run the X server on the
> Windows computer. You just need the libs that are required by those X
> applications that you intend to run..

N'ah, you've misread it. Since the OP wants to run the ssh client on
the Windows machine, a X server is needed. XWin from cygwin is a good
suggestion. I also like WeirdX
(http://www.jcraft.com/weirdx/index.html), a Java-based implementation
that might be simpler to setup if cygwin is too big. It has a few
interesting things, among them EsounD support. It's X11R6.3, though.


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