On Tue, 30 May 2006 18:31:33 -0700, Richard Fish wrote:

> I'm a gmail user, even though my address isn't a @gmail.com.  I would
> definitely appreciate it if you let me know if you see this from any
> of my postings.

It seemed to be a one off, only affecting this particular mail of
Daniel's. Probably a glitch somewhere that made one server in the chain
think the next one hadn't received it, so it resent. The posts came at
increasing intervals, which would tally with such a situation.
> BTW, I only see one of Daniel's email, even though it clearly shows up
> 5 times in the archives.  Maybe gmail is filtering their own mistakes?

Google get more like MS every day :)

gmail is probably automatically filtering duplicates, based on
Message-ID. That would explain gmail users' own posts to the list not
showing up in their inboxes, because they already have a mail with the
same ID.

Neil Bothwick

The human mind ordinarily operates at only ten per cent of its
capacity ... the rest is overhead for the operating system.

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