On Mon, 5 Jun 2006 22:14:34 +0300, Ghaith Hachem wrote:

> i need to get my ethernet link speed to 10Mbits full duplex i'm using
> mii-tool to do it but is there a way to do it before net.eth0 starts at
> boot, maybe some line to add in /etc/conf.d/net i added the normal
> command i'm usign though it didn't seem to work, i then added it to
> /etc/init.d/net.eth0 i think it should work there i havn't tested yet
> but is there any better way to do that

Add it to the preup(0 or postup(0 section of /etc/conf.d/net

if [ "${IFACE}" == "eth0" ]; then
        mii-tool -blah...

ISTR reading somewhere that ethtool is preferred over mii-tool.

Neil Bothwick


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