I have a gentoo box with kernel version 2.6.12. I regularly perform
"emerge sync" and "emerge --update world".

After one such update, I am facing trouble compiling any
packages on my gentoo box. The same package compiles fine if I
manually download the package and type "./configure && make"

Below is a trace of the messages.

$ emerge portage
creating build/temp.linux-i686-2.4
creating build/temp.linux-i686-2.4/src
i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -O2
-march=i686 alsa -fPIC -Isrc/ -I/usr/include/python2.4 -c src/MD2.c -o
i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc: cannot specify -o with -c or -S and multiple compilations
error: command 'i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc' failed with exit status 1

!!! ERROR: dev-python/pycrypto-2.0.1-r5 failed.
Call stack:
 ebuild.sh, line 1526:   Called dyn_compile
 ebuild.sh, line 923:   Called src_compile
 pycrypto-2.0.1-r5.ebuild, line 38:   Called distutils_src_compile
 distutils.eclass, line 35:   Called die

I would really appreciate any help.


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