Did you check out sftp?  Or programs like secure shell which do ftp also.
> Date: 2006/06/06 Tue AM 11:38:06 EDT
> To: Gentoo-User <gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org>
> Subject: [gentoo-user] FTP Server
> Does anyone have any suggestions/preferences to a secure FTP server for
> Gentoo?
> My 55+ year old father-in-law wants to start learning building websites.
>  I am having him install Nvu and want to setup ftp to my web server and
> give him his own directory to play with.
> I have never had a need for ftp since I have always used ssh.  However,
> I want to make it as easy as possible for him to learn web page design,
> so that is why I thought ftp would be the easiest and most supported by
> tools.  He uses winXP and I think Nvu can publish to ftp.  If he really
> gets into building websites, he wants to purchase something like
> dreamweaver.
> From my perspective, I don't want an ftp server that will allow someone
> to get in to my gentoo box by brute forcing a username and password.  I
> guess I can install something like denyhosts if the ftp server uses tcp
> wrappers.
> Thanks for any guidance,
> Jim
> -- 
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> You roll an 18 in Dex and see if you
> don't end up with a girlfriend
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> JimD
> Central FL, USA, Earth, Sol
> -- 
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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