Daevid Vincent wrote:
> What happened to my KDE 3.5.3?
> The fonts are "gone" sorta -- at least to the point that makes KDE
> unusable.
> If I fire up a terminal, the window is black, but I can see that
> things are happening, as the cursor will move. but no text shows. if i
> do an 'ls' for example, i can see something 'scrolling' as the bar on
> the right moves, but no text is rendered. highlighting all the text in
> the window will reveal red/blue/etc inverse areas which i assume are
> directories, tarballs, etc...
> my clock applet is 'blank', but if i roll over it, i see the time in the
> bubble that pops up.
> most menus are blank, but I can see the underscore of where the hotkey
> would be. if I click on the menu, it 'blinks' very fast the text that
> should be there.
> this is the same for buttons. they show up until i roll the mouse onto
> them, then the text vanishes but i see the underscore.
> all the icons on my desktop are there, and the text under them is
> 'black' (like the shadow text), but the white text that used to be
> over the black is gone.
> firefox will show some text, then vanish, but if i drag/highlight all
> the text on the page, it comes back.
> Gnome works just fine -- in fact, that's how I'm typing this right now
> since KDE is hosed.
> I did an emerge update on friday and all seemed well.
> i use an nVidia card and i purposefully did not do the xorg-7.1 as it
> was a blocker with nVidia drivers.
> gcc-3.4.5
> xorg-7.0
> nvidia-1.0.8762
> kde-3.5.3
> kde was working fine. i had rebooted and such after the upgrade from
> 3.5.2 to verify.
> here are the last few things i emerged that could have any relevance:
>      Fri Jun  9 01:00:22 2006 >>> kde-base/kdepim-3.5.3
>      Fri Jun  9 01:13:50 2006 >>> kde-base/kdeartwork-3.5.3
>      Fri Jun  9 02:02:14 2006 >>> kde-base/kdegames-3.5.3
>      Fri Jun  9 03:03:28 2006 >>> kde-base/kdemultimedia-3.5.3
>      Fri Jun  9 03:38:41 2006 >>> kde-base/kdeaddons-3.5.3
>      Fri Jun  9 04:58:46 2006 >>> kde-base/kdenetwork-3.5.3
>      Fri Jun  9 05:10:35 2006 >>> kde-base/kdeadmin-3.5.3
>      Fri Jun  9 05:49:52 2006 >>> kde-base/kdewebdev-3.5.3
>      Fri Jun  9 06:36:05 2006 >>> kde-base/kdegraphics-3.5.3
>      Fri Jun  9 07:27:37 2006 >>> kde-base/kdeedu-3.5.3
>      Fri Jun  9 07:58:41 2006 >>> kde-base/kdeutils-3.5.3
>      Fri Jun  9 08:04:36 2006 >>> kde-base/kdetoys-3.5.3
>      Fri Jun  9 08:04:45 2006 >>> kde-base/kde-3.5.3
>      Fri Jun  9 11:44:55 2006 >>> kde-base/kde-3.5.3
>      Fri Jun  9 12:09:35 2006 >>> media-libs/mesa-6.5-r3
>      Fri Jun  9 12:40:43 2006 >>> app-doc/xorg-docs-1.2
>      Fri Jun  9 12:44:56 2006 >>> net-libs/libsoup-2.2.93
>      Fri Jun  9 12:45:52 2006 >>> net-misc/neon-0.25.5
>      Fri Jun  9 13:18:15 2006 >>>
> media-libs/xine-lib-1.1.2_pre20060328-r9
>      Fri Jun  9 13:18:46 2006 >>> dev-util/scons-0.96.1
>      Fri Jun  9 13:22:01 2006 >>> app-text/poppler-0.5.3
>      Fri Jun  9 13:23:51 2006 >>> app-text/poppler-bindings-0.5.3
>      Fri Jun  9 13:32:07 2006 >>> gnome-base/gdm-2.14.8
>      Fri Jun  9 14:20:25 2006 >>> sys-apps/hal-
>      Fri Jun  9 14:20:29 2006 >>> gnome-extra/hal-device-manager-0.5-r1
>      Fri Jun  9 15:29:24 2006 >>> x11-libs/libXft-2.1.10
>      Fri Jun  9 15:30:33 2006 >>> x11-terms/xterm-207-r1
>      Fri Jun  9 16:05:17 2006 >>> x11-base/xorg-server-1.1.0
>      Fri Jun  9 16:05:53 2006 >>> x11-drivers/xf86-video-vesa-1.2.1
>      Fri Jun  9 16:06:42 2006 >>> x11-drivers/xf86-video-nv-1.1.2
>      Fri Jun  9 16:07:14 2006 >>> x11-drivers/xf86-video-fbdev-0.3.0
>      Fri Jun  9 16:07:49 2006 >>> x11-drivers/xf86-input-mouse-1.1.1
>      Fri Jun  9 16:08:22 2006 >>> x11-drivers/xf86-input-keyboard-1.1.0
>      Fri Jun  9 16:09:04 2006 >>> x11-libs/libXcursor-1.1.7
>      Fri Jun  9 16:09:23 2006 >>> x11-apps/mesa-progs-6.5
>      Fri Jun  9 16:13:25 2006 >>> x11-libs/vte-0.12.2
>      Fri Jun  9 16:13:47 2006 >>> x11-misc/xbindkeys-1.7.2-r1
> I read my /var/log/portage-logs and didn't notice anything that needed
> to be done? I also had done a revdep-rebuild but again nothing really
> that should effect this (mutisync and a few other peripheral apps).
There is a bug with xorg 7.1 && nvidia drivers
[http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=130292]. Check your xorg-server
&& xorg-x11 versions. Try to downgrade with this package.mask --
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