On 22:46 Mon 12 Jun     , JimD wrote:
> David Morgan wrote:
> > On 18:53 Mon 12 Jun     , JimD wrote:
> >> Sweet.  Thanks for the tips.  I need to start using OOo more ;-)
> > 
> > No need.
> > 
> > sed -e :a -e '$!N;s/\n[^$]//;ta' -e 'p;D' filename
> Close.  It is removing the first character of every paragraph.  I am
> trying to digitize my book collection.  For example, here is a test
> output from Narnia - The Magician's Nephew:

Indeed - didn't my corrected version get through? I received it before I
received your reply anyway.

sed -e :a -e '$!N;s/\n\([^$]\)/\1/;ta' -e 'p;D' filename

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