On 6/13/06, Mauro Arnoldi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If I set like you say I get:
(EE) Failed to load module "fglrx" (module does not exist, 0)
(EE) No drivers available
I also have read that kernel 2.6.16 has problems with ati drivers, but I can't
find a patch...

This usually means you need to re-merge ati-drivers.  You have to do
this every time you upgrade to a new kernel.

As far as the 2.6.16 support, I find this in

*ati-drivers-8.24.8 (17 Apr 2006)
 21 Mar 2006; Jory A. Pratt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 +files/ati-drivers-8.23.7-noiommu.patch, ati-drivers-8.23.7.ebuild:
 2.6.16 support wrt bug#122335

So it looks like whatever patches are needed are already applied by
Gentoo.  Try it and report back if it fails.

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