On 6/13/06, Neil Bothwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Tue, 13 Jun 2006 09:40:47 -0700, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:

> I may have a need to install one or more binary packages to fix
> a problem I'm having.  These are ones that have been made for
> my system during normal emerges, but have since been pruned from
> the system.
> My question: how to clean up when I'm done?  A cursory look at
> the packages makes me think they're plain tar archives with no
> metadata.  How do I get rid of them when I'm done with them?

There is metadata appended to the end of the file. If you try unpacking
one, you'll see a warning about extraneous data, this is the metadata.

> Or must I install them using some tool that creates the metadata?

What's wrong with installing with portage? Provided the packages are in
$PKGDIR, you can install with "emerge --usepkgonly packagename". You can
then unmerge in the usual way.

If the package is one that prevents you from using portage, unpack it to
the root of your filesystem, then immediately use the above command to
emerge it properly.

Neil Bothwick

Failure is not an option...it is integrated with every Microsoft product.

Something about this is just not clicking with me.  I restored my backup to
an empty directory, chrooted to that directory, ran quickpkg on some of the
packages I've been trying to re-emerge, and was feeling good.  But...

I got out of chroot, copied these to $PKGDIR (/usr/portage/packages) like
the other packages there, and tried to emerge.  No joy.  Examples of
what I tried:
treat Backups # emerge -v --usepkgonly =glib-1.2.10-r5
Calculating dependencies
!!! There are no packages available to satisfy: "=glib-1.2.10-r5"
!!! Either add a suitable binary package or compile from an ebuild.

treat Backups #

treat dev-libs # emerge -v --usepkgonly ./glib- 1.2.10-r5.tbz2
emerging by path implies --oneshot... adding --oneshot to options.

*** emerging by path is broken and may not always work!!!

Calculating dependencies
*** You need to adjust PKGDIR to emerge this package.

treat dev-libs #

But this one, for instance, was
and PKGDIR is
so what am I doing wrong now?

This is getting demoralizing.

++ kevin
Kevin O'Gorman, PhD

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