On Wednesday 21 June 2006 13:58, Alexander Skwar wrote:

> Hm - can you also *modify* the boot commands? Say, the boot command
> in lilo.conf contains "vga=123" and now, for whatever reason, you
> want "vga=ask" - what to do?

You pass vga=ask on the fly on the command line and this takes precedence 
over whatever is in lilo.conf. 
The same happens for the "root=", "initrd=", "ramdisk=", and other kernel 
As an example, consider the "root=" option: if you mistakenly put the 
wrong root= in lilo.conf, it would be impossible to recover without 
booting a live cd or some other kernel. Instead, you pass a 
different "root=" options on lilo command line (which passes the option 
to the kernel, of course) and you can boot without having to resort to 
external media.
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