On Thu, Jun 22, 2006 at 06:16:27PM -0700, Penguin Lover Richard Broersma Jr 
> For example: from "emerge -DuvpN world"
> net-im/gaim-1.5.0  USE="eds nls perl spell tcltk* -cjk -debug -gnutls -krb4 
> -minimal% -nas -silc"
> 0 kB
> Is there any significance to the USE color codes:
> RED:    eds, nls, perl, spell
> GREEN:  tcltk*
> BLUE:   -cjk, -debug, -gnutls, -krb4, -nas, -silc
> YELLOW: -minimal%

The color is redundant: only serves to hilight what information is
already there. 

RED means that the flag is currently set, and will still be set when
you compile. 

BLUE means the same as the minus sign, meaning that the flag is
currently unset and will still be unset when you compile. 

GREEN means the same as the *, it means that the flag will be changed
compare to the current version. For example, in your output, that
means that the previous version of gaim was compiled without tcltk
support, and the new one will be compiled with tcltk support. 

YELLOW is the same as %, it means that the flag did not exist for the
previous version. 

"Last year I tried to borrow pencils and pens and hold them together while 
rotating myself. It was quite a spectacle."
~DeathMech, S. Sondhi. P-town PHY 205
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