On 6/24/06, Benno Schulenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
> When I start kalarm, it does not show any items.  If I add an
> item, it shows, but nothing else.

Have you tried refreshing alarms (under Actions)?  Have tried
killing all kalarm* processes and then restarting kalarm?

Refresh does not seem to do anything.
Killing *all* kalarm* processes required root priv.  But I don't see
it in /etc/init.d, so I don't know what starts it.  The good news is
that once I did that, a new kalarm showed the old alarms.

> However, I continue to get on-screen alerts according to the
> original calendar.

So they work, you just can't see them?  Hmm.  Interesting bug.  :)


But the new ones you create, they stay visible?  Also after a
restart?  Do you maybe have multiple kalarms running?  Multiple KDE
versions installed?

The new ones stayed visible in the kalarm instance that created them,
or in one I started just to look at them, but they disappeared when
I finally figured out how to go back to the old ones.  There probably
were multiple kalarms, but I'm not sure because it was a bit confusing.

Nope, single version -- the latest stuff as of yesterday, built from
scratch the day before.

> So: my file !/.kde/share/apps/kalarm/calendar.ics is actually the
> old one. Why is a new instance of kalarm not seeing it?  What
> exactly is running in the background to give me the old alarms?

Press F1, read chapters 5 and 7.

I'll do that.  But things seem to be back to stable.

When you make a new alarm, does it show up in the calendar.ics file?
No.  How odd.

If so, copy and old and a new vevent to two files and diff them.

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Kevin O'Gorman, PhD
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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