On Wed, Jun 28, 2006 at 03:04:55AM +0000, Penguin Lover James squawked:
> Well I put udev in my /etc/portage/package.keyworks to get the latest
> version, thinking that might fix the problem. It do not.

I don't think that's necessary. It works perfectly fine on my system
with udev-087. 

Could something else be setting the MODE/GROUP lines for those
devices? How'bout grepping for tty and null in other rule files?

What about /etc/conf.d/rc? Maybe you can toggle RC_DEVICES="udev" and
set RC_DEVICE_TARBALL="no"? (or maybe setting it to "yes" might give
you a work around?)
> # egrep tty 50-udev.rules <shows these lines>
> Want to suggest specific changes to which lines?

The lines look the same as mine. Assuming you've been deligent about
updating the config files in /etc, I don't see a reason why the
default rule files provide by udev would be different. 

> It looks as though the (mode) permissions and groups are getting
> set per the udev files?

Are they? I thought your problem is that the permissions and groups
were set different from what was specified in the rule files...


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