> Is there a way to shut the power of my laptop down and then power it
> back on and have it resume right where it was when it was powered
> down?  I think this is called suspend/resume.  I see there is a kernel
> called suspend2-sources.  Is there any way to do it with my
> hardened-sources kernel?
> - Grant

The primary difference between suspend in the vanilla (and hardened)
kernel and suspend in Suspend2 is that Suspend2 is much faster.  I
don't have any hard numbers, but I think the difference is something
like twenty seconds versus a minute to fully suspend on my laptop.
This isn't normally a big deal, and you don't need to migrate from the
hardened kernel.

Do you think it would suspend Windows XP running in VMware Workstation properly?

- Grant
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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