On Friday 30 June 2006 10:06, Rumen Yotov wrote:
> Hope i didn't screwed something so check it again (some things might be
> made shorter though).

I have a neat little script for this:


# collect vars
ebuild=`equery which $1`
category=`echo ${ebuild} | awk -F/ '{cat=NF-2;print $cat}'`
package=`echo ${ebuild} | awk -F/ '{pkg=NF-1;print $pkg}'`
portagepath=`dirname ${ebuild}`

# copy to overlay
mkdir -pv ${overlaypath}/local-files
cp -v ${ebuild} ${overlaypath}/
ln -sv ${portagepath}/files ${overlaypath}/files
cp -v ${patch} ${overlaypath}/local-files/

# print instructions - wait for acknowledgement - edit file
echo -e 'Insert:\n\tepatch ${FILESDIR/files/local-files}/'${patch}'\nin 
src_unpack{ }'
${EDITOR} ${overlaypath}/${ebuild##*/}

# digest ebuild
ebuild ${overlaypath}/${ebuild##*/} digest

This only copies the newest ebuild and makes a symlink to the filesdir 
in /usr/portage so that patches in portage do not have to be copied... The 
first argument must be the name of the package in a format that `equery 
which` understands and the second argument must be the path to the patch that 
needs to be applied.

Bo Andresen

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