There was a thread about his yesterday, check the archives.
It seems that a new feature is the possibility to run the appropriate
script upon device detection, you can, however, change this behavior:

A little copy/paste from that thread.
On 6/29/06, Neil Bothwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Thu, 29 Jun 2006 12:34:54 +0200, Etaoin Shrdlu wrote:

> After the recent baselayout update, I see these messages at boot time:

What do you mean by "recent"? It greatly depends on whether you are
running stable or testing, arch or ~arch.

> ...
> Device initiating service: net.eth0
> ...
> ...
> * net.etho: cannot start until the runlevel boot has completed
> ...

Adding 'RC_PLUG_SERVICES="!net.eth0"' to /etc/conf.d/rc may fix this.
Read the comments in the file for an explanation.

On 6/30/06, Mick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 01/07/06, Anielkis Herrera Gonzalez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> try
> #rc-update show -v

Thanks, the errors are still there:
# rc-update show -v
 * Invalid runlevel entry: /etc/runlevels/boot/.keep
 * Invalid runlevel entry: /etc/runlevels/default/.keep
 * Invalid runlevel entry: /etc/runlevels/nonetwork/.keep
 * Invalid runlevel entry: /etc/runlevels/single/.keep
               acpid |      default
           alsasound | boot
           bluetooth |
       bluetooth_pan |
            bootmisc | boot
             checkfs | boot
           checkroot | boot
               clock | boot
            coldplug | boot
         consolefont | boot
            cpufreqd |
        cpufrequtils |
         crypto-loop |
               cupsd |
          domainname |      default
                famd |
          fancontrol |
           freepopsd |
                 gpm |
              hdparm |      default
   hibernate-cleanup | boot
            hostname | boot
             hotplug |      default
           ip6tables |
            iptables |      default
                irda |
             keymaps | boot
                lisa |
          lm_sensors |
               local |      default nonetwork
          localmount | boot
       mDNSResponder |
       microcode_ctl |      default
             modules | boot
             nessusd |
            net.eth0 |
              net.lo | boot
            net.ppp0 |
            netmount |      default
                nifd |
                nscd |
                ntop |
             numlock |
             portmap |
             privoxy |
               psion |
             pwcheck |
             reslisa |
           rmnologin | boot
              rsyncd |
           saslauthd |
              serial | boot
              splash |
                sshd |
           syslog-ng |      default
                 tor |
             urandom | boot
          vixie-cron |      default
                 xdm |      default
                 xfs |
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Daniel da Veiga
Computer Operator - RS - Brazil
Version: 3.1
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