Dale wrote:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] / # eselect set opengl nvidia
>> !!! Error: Can't load module set
>> exiting.

Bah, I just gave you the command in the wrong order. `eselect opengl set
nvidia` was the right one. Need to tell it which module, before the
action to use from that module. I see you figured that out below.

> I assume this ain't good right.  O_O  OK, I logged out, stopped the GUI,
> rmmoded nvidia and reemerged all the nvidia stuff.  Reloaded nvidia and
> ran the command.  Now this is what I get:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] / # eselect opengl show
>> nvidia
> So that works and then I get this:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] / # glxinfo
>> name of display: :0.0
>> display: :0  screen: 0
>> direct rendering: Yes


> That looks good to, still no worky and my screens are really slow. 
> Sometimes even the mouse is slow.  I also noticed that if I go to
> configure desktop and try to play with the screen saver settings, it
> hogs up a LOT of CPU time.  Almost all of it yet it does not work at all.


> Are you out of ideas yet?  I'm not sure what to do.  The emerge -e world
> is still going though.  309 of 866 and counting.  kdelibs went by a bit
> ago.  It's on swig right now.  I dunno what it is.

This could be a problem, particularly if you have preemption off or
don't set PORTAGE_NICENESS. If you're running that in a screen session,
try a ^Z (ctrl-z) to suspend it for a bit and see whether that helps,
then `fg` to foreground it again.

> Any clue?  Am I doing something wrong?  Is this new xorg that bad? 
> Should I unmask the newer xorg?  I read the nvidia drivers are not ready
> yet.

At this point it's not real clear what the problem is. You could try
running oprofile to see where all the time is being spent, then rebuild
that package with debugging support (Add -g to CFLAGS, remove
-fomit-frame-pointer) to get info on where in that program the time is

To get oprofile going, build the kernel module (it's included in the
main kernel, just enable it -- CONFIG_PROFILING in Instrumentation), run
`make vmlinux` in /usr/src/linux, emerge oprofile, then run this little
script like this:
./oprof someapp

It will start profiling, and stop when you quit that app. Make sure you
run it long enough so that the app's startup stuff isn't the primary
thing you profile; you want to profile the runtime slowdowns.

sudo opcontrol --init
sudo opcontrol --start --vmlinux=/usr/src/linux/vmlinux
sudo opcontrol --dump
sudo opcontrol --reset
echo "RUN TEST APP..."
echo "RUN DONE."
sudo opcontrol --stop
echo "WRITING PROFILE: oprof.txt"
opreport --long-filenames --symbols > oprof.txt
echo "DONE."

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