Colleen Beamer wrote:
> When I right-clicked on the graphic that I wanted to edit and
> chose "open with" and display, ImageMagick didn't launch, but the
> configuration screen for KRandRTray

Hmm... it does that here too.  Typing, instead of 'display', things 
like 'background', 'desktop' or 'mouse' opens the corresponding 
KControl module.  Apparently "Open With" and "Alt+F2" check the 
given command to see if it contains the name of a KControl module, 
and launches it when found.  Being KDE, this should be configurable 
I guess, but who has an idea where to look?

A workaround is to make a symlink, for example:
  ln -s display /usr/bin/show
and then invoke ImageMagick with 'show'.

A more radical workaround would be to unmerge kcontrol, but I 
haven't tried this.  :)

This seems like a bug in KDE: it should definitely skip checking for 
a KControl module name when there is a slash in the given command.  
Does anyone have an ideas where to start looking in KDE's mountain 
of code for this module-name check (to be able to provide a patch 
together with the bug report)?

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