Hash: SHA1

Mark Knecht wrote:
> On 7/4/06, gentuxx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Mark Knecht wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >   I am moving my son from FC2 to Gentoo today. I went to get an
>> up to
>> > date universal CD and it seems that there isn't one. Is the
>> preferred
>> > stage 3 method of install these days to use the LiveCD and then just
>> > go to the console and work like the old days?
>> >
>> >   Currently I'm ssh-ing off all his old stuff as back. If someone
>> > knows of any problems or things to be careful about when working
>> this
>> > way drop me a note back on or off list.
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > Mark
>> I'm not sure of the major differences between the liveCD and the
>> Universal CD.  I think the Universal CD just contained mored packages
>> (portage snapshots, etc.).  I saw the "definitions" of each CD
>> somewhere yesterday, but can't seem to place my finger on it now.  I
>> think the only difference is that you have to download the portage
>> snapshot from the web (which isn't a bad idea anyway).  The
>> Installation Handbook covers this.
>> HTH
> Thanks. By the time I saw you message I had already managed to build
> and reboot the machine. It's up and running but no networking yet so
> still to solve that one but at least it's Gentoo now.
> Thanks again,
> Mark
Have you tried modprobe'ing the module you might need for your NIC
(3c59x)?  Then running `net-setup eth0' from the install CD?  I had an
issue similar on one of my Sun systems, but was able to get it up that

- --
echo "hfouvyyAhnbjm/dpn" | perl -pe 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-1)/ge'

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