On 7/17/06, Daniel Iliev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This appears on every start. The error on line 454 appears also if I try
to install a theme or an extension. Line 454 in nsExtensionManager.js reads:

Hmm, ok, so it looks like it is failing to create/open a file.  Maybe
due to permissions....

There are 2 things you can try.  First, take a look at your
environment for any mozilla variables, and make sure they are set
correctly, or try clearing them with unset:

env | grep MOZ

The second thing I can think of is to use strace to see what it is
failing to open.  First start firefox or mozilla.  Then use 'ps | grep
firefox'  to find out the process id.  Then run:

strace -e open,access -p <pid>

The try to open the Extensions dialog.  This should dump a lot of
system calls, and there will be quite a few that fail with ENOENT or
EEXIST.  But look carefully for anything that fails with EPERM

If don't see or recognize a problem, try posting the output of strace here.

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