I've got a problem; My Dovecot installation uses plain text
authentication.  I don't like the idea of unencrypted passwords being
sent over the Internet, so I want to switch to a different
authentication method.  I'm mainly worried about my webmail client.  I
configured Apache last week for SSL access to the webmail client
(Squirrelmail), but my Windows users have been saying that they haven't
been able to access Squirrelmail since last week before I converted it
to SSL.  I tried it myself in Windows.  Windows said it couldn't even
find my domain.  After I turned off the SSL, Windows found it.  I need
something else.  The Dovecot wiki mentions several other authentication
methods (cram-md5 looks promising), but it doesn't say how to set up a
cram-md5 database.  Can anyone direct me on how to do this?

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