
I noticed that after the last upgrade to gnome-terminal, my TERM
variable is set to 'gnome'. The way it is, it causes all kind of
trouble, when, for example, I ssh into another machine and get my TERM
set to gnome too. Things then don't work correctly, vim doesn't
highlight colors, arrow keys don't work, etc.
I think that's because the remote machines do not understand this kind
of terminal, and so fall back to 'dumb' or something like that.
What's the problem with leaving TERM=xterm when under gnome-terminal?
Isn't this a fine standard for all X terminals? Is there a
gnome-terminal configuration somewhere that lets me set the TERM that
I want? I'll have a look at gconf.

Well, that's it.

Bruno Lustosa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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