
On Sat, 22 Jul 2006 15:19:31 +1200
Nick Rout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yes but what has that to do with gentoo? Its not a gentoo project!
> I was confused by the OP referring to "gentoo vdr"

Me too. I know there's a Gentoo project for the VDR application. But
basically I think the OP was reffering to a software rather than a
project and wants a comparision.

I'm running VDR, but not the Gentoo ebuild but rather compiled directly
from source (all dependencies done by Gentoo, though).

> differences AFAIK:
> 1. VDR is for DVB only 

Yes. But there are plugins to make it work with analog tv, too. See all
those plugins in media-plugins/vdr-*, I think at least the analogtv and
pvr* plugins are made for this.

> 2. VDR is very Euro-centric - thats not a criticism, just worth knowing
> as european tv has many differences to, eg, USA tv in terms of
> technical format.

That's true. And I think there are still some minor glitches w/ regard
to PAL/NTSC (PAL is default).

> 3. There is far more documentation around for MythTV, I struggle to
> find good docs for VDR.

is probably the most comprehensive documentation in english language.

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