> I'm getting this on my laptop:
> "!!! A network error occured while trying to send logmail:\n(111,
> 'Connection refused')\nSure you configured PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILURI
> correctly?"
> I have this in make.conf:
> PORTAGE_ELOG_CLASSES="info warn error log"
> and:
> [ebuild   R   ] mail-mta/ssmtp-2.61  USE="mailwrapper md5sum ssl -ipv6" 0 kB

Fine - who cares?

> Should that be enough?

Sure, if you've got an SMTP server running on localhost. Do you? ssmtp
is an MTA, not a SMTP server.

If you wish to use ssmtp with ELOG, you've got to use PORTAGE_ELOG_SYSTEM=custom
and set up your own program in PORTAGE_ELOG_COMMAND. Read my howto at

Alexander Skwar

That looks pretty slick but I try to do things as Gentoo as possible.
Any chance of your functionality getting integrated into Portage?

Also, in place of ssmtp, would postfix alone do the trick or would I
need something like courier-imap too?

- Grant
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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