On Monday 24 July 2006 19:08, Alexander Skwar wrote:
> Tro schrieb:
> > On Monday July 24 2006 01:51, Alexander Skwar wrote:
> >> Sorry for all the confusion - I should've read the documentation first.
> >
> > So, is that gentoo-wiki article defunct now?
> I can't tell yet, as I haven't checked if MAILURI="... /usr/sbin/sendmail"
> works fine. But I'd suppose, that it's obsolete, yes. Such a shame, such
> a nice article, and all for nothing ;)

I for one don't think that the article or the thread here is for nothing.  The 
thread was entertaining and educational.  I haven't yet set up my system to 
mail me anything.  This is because I use PORT_LOGDIR=/var/log/portage and 
check the logs, and/or I use enotice.  In any case, I could probably do with 
a mail system to warn me of all sort of things but I am not yet sure what is 
the best (more streamlined and efficient) way of setting it up.

If you top this with my lack of understanding of the basic/advanced 
architecture and components of a mail system then you see why I enjoyed 
reading both your wiki article and this thread.  The wiki article may be 
obsolete, but you can always update it to explain various options (that's 
what Gentoo is about), different configurations, pros & cons, etc.  I know 
that it all takes time, but if you find it I and many more will surely be 
grateful for your contribution.  :)

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