
I've seen a file named "[" in my /usr/bin ...

#file "["
[: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for
GNU/Linux 2.4.1, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux
2.4.1, stripped

in I can find things like:
-ot does not accept -l
%s: unary operator expected
%s: binary operator expected
')' expected, found %s
')' expected
test and/or [
Report bugs to <%s>.
bug-coreutils at gnu.org/usr/share/localeMatthew BradburnKevin
Braunsdorf5.94GNU coreutilsmissing `]' Try `%s --help' for more
information. Usage: test EXPRESSION
  or:  test
  or:  [ EXPRESSION ]
  or:  [ ]
  or:  [ OPTION
Exit with the status determined by EXPRESSION.

does any one know what could it be?¿
thanks in advance.
Arnau Bria
La vida es una aplastante derrota tras otra hasta que 
acabas deseando que se muera Flanders.
~Homer J. Simpson~
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