> is there a light-weight MPEG2 editor (preferable in portage)? I don't
> need anything fancy, just something to cut off a bit at the begin and
> the end of a file.And no, kino doesn't like MPEG2.

If you don't care about the quality of the cutted scenes projectx, is
what i reccommend.
But projectx and many other editors are only capable of cutting on a I-Frame

The video cut theory is explained at
http://www.radonmaster.de/robernd/tMPEG.html unfortunatly it is in

If you want to cut frame accurate (cut on B- and P-Frames too) i think
ttcut is the better choice, here you can enable encoding mode so it
uses mencoder (and you don't have to read the immense man page for
mencoder) to recode the video. Not the whole video is encoded, only a
maximum of 14 pictures (i think 15 pictures is the standard GOP lenght
for MPEG video) around the cut mark depending on where exactly you
want to cut

i don't know if kino or avidemux can handle this now, if anyone knows
better please tell me!
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