On Sun, Jul 30, 2006 at 07:09:41AM -0700, Mark Knecht wrote:
> Hi,
>   I would like to limit OS selection at boot time. The machine has
> Gentoo and Windows. Gentoo *must* be the booted OS unless a password
> is entered. I have tried the password feature in grub but it does not
> implement this feature. It implements changing boot time kernel
> options, but not OS choice as far as I can tell.
>   I also tried adding the hiddenmenu option in grub but it seems that
> with hiddenmenu turned on grub never accepts a password.
>   Is there a way to implement what I need? If you can provide an
> example that would be great.
> NOTE: I currently do this be editing the grub file itself but I'm
> looking for something more sophisticated since I'd like my wife to be
> able to boot Windows but not my son.
> Thanks all,
> Mark


Unless I'm reading your needs wrong, I think you need the "lock" command
as well as the "password" command.


Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy.

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