Michael Crute wrote:
I would beg to differ with the statement about security. Qmail is
arguably THE MOST secure mail server

It may be 'secure' from that respect, but not from any other. In it's default settings, it's far too accepting and is a pain to close down.

It uses non-standard locations and configuration, and is popular with Spammers as they can use it 'bounce' spam onto third parties by send mail (via the server) to the server with an invalid delivery address and the destination as the recipient.

It also find it generally flaky when running and a poor performer (I love it when it decides to restart itself, but fails because the old process hasn't shutdown quick enough and stops the new process form running).

That said, I use postfix and love it.

Same here - it's so easy and straight forward to configure, stable (I've had it running for months without even having to think about it) and good support for newer technologies (such as RBL, MAPS, SPF and Greylisting).

qmail doesn't support any of them by standard - to use it, you must either find a binary that supports it (via binary distributions, or compile them in yourself).

Plus, IIRC, there's no active development in qmail.

 Jonathan Wright
  ~ www.djnauk.co.uk
 2.6.17-gentoo-r3-djnauk-b1 AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2100+
 up 21:58, 0 users, load average: 0.16, 0.41, 0.49
 cat /dev/random (because u never know, u may see something u like)
 "Some see the move as an attempt to  preserve  traditional  values,
 while others see it as a cynical ploy to ensure that Vice President
 Dick Cheney will never have to pay for his gay daughter's wedding."

~ Jon Stewart, on President Bush's proposal for a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage
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