On 7/31/06, Martins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

any have a hint, my gentoo desktop box stalls booting at 'mounting local
file systems' for a sudden. there's no system config files i alerted,

If you are using ldap, it can cause long delays for things that occur
before networking is active when something tries to lookup a user from
the ldap server, but times out.

So far I've heard of this affecting bootmisc, udev, and now
localmount.  There are some workarounds listed in this bug:


Basically, downgrading the version of ldap or or changing the ldap
configuration seems to fix it for most people.

In your case, it is probably this part of localmount that is causing
the problem:

       if [[ -n ${usbfs} ]] && \
          [[ -e /proc/bus/usb && ! -e /proc/bus/usb/devices ]]
               ebegin "Mounting USB device filesystem (${usbfs})"
               usbgid=$(echo $(getent group usb) | awk -F: '{print $3}')
               mount -t ${usbfs} usbfs /proc/bus/usb \
                       ${usbgid:+-o devmode=0664,devgid=${usbgid}}
               eend $? "Failed to mount USB device filesystem"

This tries to do a lookup of the 'usb' group.

If it does indeed turn out to be an ldap issue, add a comment to the
linked bug or at least let me know and I'll do it.

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