On Mon, Jul 31, 2006 at 08:10:48PM -0400, Penguin Lover Michael [Plouj] 
Ploujnikov squawked:
> Who is in charge of the mailing lists and would be the best person to
> suggest this to? Should I send this to a different gentoo-* list?

Big discussion over this about 18 months ago. 


The change was made as you suggested, without announcement. 
Some users noticed, some didn't. 
One person asked about the change.
The whole thing eventually degenerated into a big hoopla and the
change reverted. 

Personally I don't care either way. My preferred MUA (mutt) is smart
enough and configurable enough to treat mailing lists properly. 



Q: Why is the CERN ion accelerator circular and not linear?
A: It crosses international borders and Switzerland must remain neutral. 
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