> On Monday 24 July 2006 00:41, Philip Webb wrote:
> > 060723 billydw wrote:
> > > I am pretty much a Gentoo newbie, but less so with linux.
> > > I have successfully installed Gentoo 2006.0
> > > from the  Universal Install CD (amd64 arch).
> > > I have Xorg-x11 7.0 emerged and I think configured correctly -
> > > no unresolved EEs or WWs in /var/log/Xorg.0.log.
> > > Using "startx" brings up twm and it looks fine.
> > > I first emerged nvidia-glx and nvidia-kernel.
> > > While running # revdep-rebuild, I get this message:
> For the Nvidia card I have I had to go to Nidiias web site and download the
> driver from there to get it to work. after I ran the file from Nvidia mt
> Card works fine even in dual mode ( tv , CRT).
> rob
Thanks to all those who tried to help with this issue.  Being kind of a Gentoo 
newbie and not a programmer or developer, I am not sure what the problem 
could be.  I have tried this on two different computers and always get the 
same result.  Since everything seems to work except for the recurring 
revdep-rebuild issue, I am choosing to ignore it at this time.  

I did look into the drivers on the nVidia web site per rob's suggestion.  The 
extensive install notes showed me a possible solution.  It involves checking 
for conflicting libraries and/or symlinks.  Sounds like it could be what I am 
experiencing.  I will experiment with that although I am not sure I will know 
what I am doing.  No matter though.  I am retired and am experimenting with 
Genoo on "testing" machines, so it doesn't really matter if I break 
something.  I have learned a lot about Gentoo this way and I am getting 
better with it.

I was thinking someone else may have experienced the same problem and had 
found the solution.

Thanks, all!  I will keep my eyes on the gentoo-user list.  If I succeed in 
solving this issue, I will let you all know.

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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