Dirk Heinrichs wrote:
> Am Freitag, 4. August 2006 10:04 schrieb ext Alexander Skwar:
>> Michael Crute wrote:
>> >  Is
>> > it possible to do this without hurting the other partitions on the
>> > disk?
>> Yes. Use fdisk to do so. Changing the part. types won't hurt
>> the other partitions.
> Hmm, just curious: Is it really important for mkfs.* what the partition type 
> is?

Not to my knowledge. Actually, there isn't even a part. type for
reiserfs. And that also wouldn't make much sense, I think, because
those are *PARTITION* types, while reiserfs is a *FILE* *SYSTEM* type.

> Would they refuse to create a filesystem on say an NTFS partition? If 
> not, would I get into trouble later, if I forgot to change the type?

I don't see how.

Hm - UNTESTED: What happens, if you've got a JFS on a "NTFS partition"
and then boot Windows?

Alexander Skwar
When choosing between two evils, I always like to take the one I've never
tried before.
                -- Mae West, "Klondike Annie"
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