Daniel da Veiga wrote:
> On 8/10/06, Christoph Eckert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Any info needed, please let me know.
>> * Boot from a live-CD
>> * mount old and new drive partitions
>> * cd to the mountpoint containing the data to be copied
>> * tar -cSp --numeric-owner -f - . | ( cd /mnt/NEW && tar xSpvf - )
>> * Drink coffee :)
>> Worked for me more than once.
> Thanks Cristopher. I'll give it a try tomorrow morning.

I always boot from the CD, mount both drives as above then do a cp -av
/old/stuff/ new/stuff and it works.  No tarring and such then.  Still
get to drink a cup of coffee though.  O_O


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