
I've been playing with encrypting my home directory using cfs and
following the instructions at


I guess it mostly works, although I've had cfsd die randomly a few
times in a couple days. It sorta bothers me that app-crypt/cfs is
almost 2 years old and is still testing (~x86). This is one of those
apps I'd prefer stable.

So, before I get to settled on using this, a few questions.

Do you encrypt your home directory?

What apps and/or combination of apps do you use, and why?

Which ciphers do you prefer? Why?

Is it well supported?

What apps and/or files don't play well with encrytion?

I'm sure I'll have more questions after I've read some more.

In all the millions of years dinosaurs roamed this planet, did any of
them feel the need to invent, say, nuclear weapons?           Mickeyz

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