· Alan Mckinnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Sun, 2006-08-20 at 01:52 -0400, Philip Webb wrote:
>> 060819 David Corbin wrote:
>> > I emerged a bunch of stuff this morning, and got this:
>> > "Gentoo is moving toward common config file for all network interfaces.
>> > I looked at /etc/conf.d/net.example & it's woefully unclear
>> > how I port my /etc/init.d/net.ppp0 to the new file/format.
>> Yes, the dox are not as detailed as they sb.
>> To repeat my explanation to another troubled user a few weeks ago :
> Philip, 
> Docs on /etc/conf.d/net are about as clear as mud from where I sit. The
> last thing I need to figure out is what exactly is the difference
> between config_eth0 and iface_eth0 entries?

Oh, that's simple! config_eth0 exists and iface_* doesn't. Quite
clear, as far as I'm concerned.

> I once found a note in some other obscure doc that iface_eth0 seems to
> be the syntax for ifconfig, while config_eth0 seems to be for iproute2.
> Can anyone confirm or deny this?

Check out the documentation in /etc/conf.d/net.example. It'll deny
that iface_* is for one tool and config_* for the other tool.

Alexander Skwar
Diplomatie ist die Kunst, mit hundert Worten zu verschweigen, was man
mit einem einzigen Wort sagen könnte.
                -- Saint-John Perse

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