Jason Weisberger wrote a month ago:
> On 7/22/06, Benno Schulenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Jason Weisberger wrote:
> > > Odd problem....  it seems as if almost completely at random,
> > > my boot process will stop at Mounting Local Filesystems......
> > > for no reason.  It will freeze there until you restart the
> > > computer.  If I boot a Live CD and mount the volume or run an
> > > fsck.ext3 on it (which always comes back clean), the next
> > > time I try to boot to it, it'll be fine.
> >
> > Try marking the affected partition as ext2 instead of ext3
> > in /etc/fstab, so the journal does not get used, and see if the
> > problem still occurs.  If not, you've found a bug in ext3.
> I'll have to try that for a while and see what happens.  It will
> take some time to see if it works properly.

How did it go?  Did you find out what the problem was?


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