"Boris Fersing" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > > Does gcc-4.1 offer enough of an improvement to warrant remerging the
> > > whole system?
> > No, just remerge the packages that need to be remerged. Then emerge the
> > rest with gcc-4.1 when updates come.
> If you want to prevent compilation issues, applications crash, ... you
> may follow the Gentoo GCC Upgrade Guide[1]

And if you want to prevent compilation issues, applications crash,
you'd better not follow the Gentoo GCC Upgrade Guide [1]
and do not upgrade gcc at all... :-(

Sorry for this sarcasm, but I am fighting with gcc-upgrade
for more than week. If I knew there would be so many issues,
I'd have never started upgrading gcc! Even complete reinstalling
using new 2006.1 cd would be much easier...

That "four line procedure" for gcc-upgrade in [1] looks
quite simple, but they forgot to mention that finally
you will end with "not-so-stable" system, as before.
And that only if you will be lucky enough to reach
the end of this upgrade-martyrium...


> [1] http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/gcc-upgrading.xml


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