Chris White wrote:
> So, wondering why people use Gentoo.  Put [dev] or something if you're an 
> actual gentoo dev and [user] if you're a user.  Doesn't need to be fancy, you 
> can put "community" or something if that's all you want.  All responses off 
> list please.  Thanks.


I'm not, but I *could* be a grandmother, so I guess I'm not the average
user.  I was first exposed to Gentoo when someone I know was touting the
control that it gave you.  I *hate* Gnome (sorry, don't mean to insult
any Gnome users - it's just a personal opinion).  The bloat of having to
have two desktops on my system drove me nuts when I was using Redhat and
then, Fedora.  So, like others, control is a *big* plus - I can install
only what I want!

Portage - in my opinion, it is the best package manager in Linux, bar
none.  In Redhat and Fedora, I was always in some sort of dependency
hell.  I learned how to get around most of it, but I don't have to worry
with Gentoo.  I would be royally "[EMAIL PROTECTED] off" if was force to use a
package manager other than portage.

Growth - I never edited a configuration file before using Gentoo, nor
did I configure a kernel.  Strange as it may sound, it was a "trip" for
me to learn this stuff.  I've learned more about my system and Linux in
the year and a half of using it that I did in the 5 years that I used

Documentation - Bar none, Gentoo has the best and most easily understood
online documentation.  In fact, I would rather read Gentoo documentation
that that of the LDP!

This list - I've always been able to turn to the list when I needed
help, was exposed to more patience that on any other list that I have
every been on - even those that were supposed to be for "newbies".  I've
always gotten help and the explanation was put in a way that I could
understand it (Thanks guys!)

Sorry, I know this is long, but there are just too many reasons why I
use Gentoo and why I will stick with it!  :-)

Take care,



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