On Tuesday 12 September 2006 11:14, Richard Fish wrote:
> > As in compiling kdelibs with the arts use flag and then disabling arts in
> > kcontrol? Or as in actually enabling the arts use flag globally and using
> > arts? :O
> The latter...
> > I'll have to say I'm a bit curious about how you get to the conclusion
> > that the latter would be better than the former...
> ...well I was playing with this last week.  Without arts enabled in
> kcontrol, and KDE set to use an external player, I recall having a
> noticable delay between when a dialog appeared or other event occurred
> and when the sound would play.  With arts enabled and playing sounds
> through it, the sounds played almost immediately.
> I could be incorrect on this though, as I was having problems with
> notifications playing in general, even through artsd (which I
> eventually traced to having artsplugin-xine installed _without_
> artsplugin-audiofile, which caused artsd to want to play all audio
> through xine plugins, and fail with "unable to open file" more often
> than not).  Others are welcome to share their experiences with
> external players and KDE notifications. ;-)

Thanks for clarification. :) IIRC KDE notifications didn't work at all if I 
didn't compile kdelibs with the arts use flag.

Anyhow, my current approach is to compile kde-base/kdelibs with the arts
use flag and everything else without it. In kcontrol in "Sound & 
Multimedia" -> "Sound system" I have disabled the sound system and in "Sound 
& Multimedia" -> "System Notifications" -> "Player Settings" I have 
chosen /usr/bin/playsound as external player. I at least haven't noticed any 

$ equery belongs playsound
[ Searching for file(s) playsound in *... ]
media-libs/sdl-sound-1.0.1-r1 (/usr/bin/playsound)


Bo Andresen

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