
wireshark won't compile, saying that perl is built with the 
minimal use flag. Only, it isn't.

******** The wireshark failure:

!!! ERROR: net-analyzer/wireshark-0.99.3 failed.
Call stack:
  ebuild.sh, line 1562:   Called dyn_setup
  ebuild.sh, line 665:   Called pkg_setup
  wireshark-0.99.3.ebuild, line 44:   Called 
built_with_use 'dev-lang/perl' 'minimal'
  eutils.eclass, line 1605:   Called die

!!! dev-lang/perl-5.8.8-r2 does not actually support the minimal 
USE flag!
!!! If you need support, post the topmost build error, and the 
call stack if relevant.

********** perl USE flags:

gentoo ~ # emerge -pv perl

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild   R   ] dev-lang/perl-5.8.8-r2  USE="berkdb doc 
gdbm -build -debug -ithreads -perlsuid" 0 kB

********* line in the wireshark ebuild that fails is this one:

pkg_setup() {
        # bug 119208
        if built_with_use dev-lang/perl minimal ; then

Anyone seen this before? Am I being stupid (again) or is it a 
bug? And if so, where might the bug be - perl, wireshark, or 
the portage scripts?

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