On 9/10/06, Walter Dnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  A few weeks ago, I got a new AMD machine, and I specified the
motherboard that came with the "Geforce 6150" video chip onboard.  I
understand that hardware acceleration works with it.  Separately, I also
ordered a PCHDTV card ( http://pchdtv.com ) and a PCI modem.  I intend
to use the machine to record/playback TV broadcasts.  I got busy with a
few other things, but finally got around to installing console-only
Gentoo (2006.1) this weekend.

  Now for the setup questions.  In the portage x11-base directory, I see


  I presume xorg-x11 is the standard X. 

Yep, that's all you need. Here's some more information.

 I've gotten into the habit of
emerging a GUI app onto a console-only system, and X never shows up in
"world".  It gets pulled in as a dependancy.  Will this cause problems
if I want to use hardware acceleration?

No, it's still installed, so what do you care if it isn't in world?

  Is x11-drm a direct-rendering
version that's faster than standard X?

I'm not sure, but I didn't need it and I've never heard of it.

Don't forget to emerge nvidia-drivers for opengl hardware acceleration.

  I'll probably be using mplayer
heavily, unless a showstopper comes along. 

Using mplayer to watch TV? Why not use mythtv?

 Is SVGA any faster than X?

I have no idea but I'm pretty sure that's like asking if apples are better than oranges. :-)

Since this'll be a single-purpose dedicated box, connecting to the net
only for updates, I have no problem running it as root full-time.

Bad idea.

David Grant

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